Hello and greetings from The Buckeye State!
My name is Tommy Zulijani and I was a contributor a few years ago on the old blog and have been given the opportunity by StorageTreasures.com to come back again as their newest Auction Pro Contributors. So, I wanted to take this time to put together my introductory blog, tell you all a little bit about myself and as time goes on my own tips, experiences and advice in the field of buying storage units as well as the profession of reselling. The area I specialize in is sports memorabilia as well as comic books. This business allows you to expand your horizons and learn a little bit of just about everything. Something you have to keep in mind is that you always have to have an open ear in this business.
Read More: 5 Essential Flea Market/Yard Sale Tips!
I got into the business almost 10 years ago and every unit is a new adventure. I started reselling again as well as personal consignments, along with estate sales organization and operations.
But enough about me so let’s get right into things.
Buying and flipping storage units can be both a hobby as well as a living, depending on how much time & money you want to invest as well as how far you really want to take it. It’s not easy work as A LOT of people think and feel it is. You’re not going to retire right out the gate with your first unit. It truly is a constant grind and not all the glitz and glamour as people expect / hope it to be. Most if not all the professionals in this business probably couldn’t agree more.
One thing that is for sure is that this business is definitely an all-around numbers games. The more you can obtain whether its units, knowledge, experience, etc. – the more you can do in this business.
With sites such as StorageTreasures.com now available, you can find an auction just about anywhere, any day and almost any time. This site has just about everything you’ll need to get going. StorageTreasures has listings, search tools, pro contributors, etc. right at your finger tips to help guide you / get you started as well as a stellar “Pro Training” program. If you are not able to get to an auction in person StorageTreasures gives you the convenience of bidding right in your own computer chair!
The options are endless – the only thing stopping you is you. When I first started, I truly was a deer in headlights about a lot of aspects of the business but still wanted to do it. I never stopped learning and only wanted to get better. You can’t just throw in the towel if unit #1 & #2 for you are busts! Remember, it’s a numbers game.
I want to take the time to say thank you for reading my intro blog as well as a BIG THANK YOU to StorageTreasures for adding me to the “family”!
If there is anything I can help any of you with, by all means feel free to contact me through StorageTreasures or e-mail me at cleresale@yahoo.com. I’ll be happy to assist you as best as I can!
Until next time friends, happy bidding and best of luck to all!!