Are Online Auctions Legit?
We get this question all the time: “Are online auctions legit?”. Online storage auctions have gained popularity as a way for storage facility owners to sell the contents of abandoned storage units. But with the rise of fraudulent activities on the internet, it’s natural for people to question their legitimacy.
Yes, Online Auctions are Legit!
First, it’s important to understand that online storage auctions are a legitimate way for storage facilities to dispose of abandoned units. Under state laws, storage facilities are allowed to auction off the contents of a storage unit if the tenant has failed to make payments for a certain period of time. The storage facility owner can conduct the auctions online or in person. And they serve as a way for the storage facility to recoup some of their losses.
However, it’s always important to exercise caution when participating in online auctions. As with any online transaction, there is a risk of fraud or scams. It’s always a good idea to do your research and only bid on storage auctions through reputable websites, like
StorageTreasures is the world’s largest, most trusted online self storage auction platform. Hosting over 790k online storage auctions in 2022 and trusted by over 1 million auction bidders.
Online Storage Auction Tips
There are a few additional things to keep in mind when considering participating in an online storage auction. One is to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the auction. This can be found under “Auction Rules” on each storage unit auction page. Different websites and auction companies may have different rules and policies, so it’s important to read and understand these before placing a bid.
In conclusion, online storage auctions are legit and a great way to find unique items and great deals. However, it important to be cautious and do your due diligence to ensure a successful transaction. For more tips on successful bidding check out our other blog posts!